Busy Ines
A breezy blog about serious topics that might concern one person or the whole universe. Short pieces to be enjoyed with your morning coffee or evening vodka, which will make you reflect on your life for at least one minute.
Lazy Ines
Busy’s easygoing, flirty, lazy alter ego. Writes whenever she feels inspired by any kind of thing, thought or theme. Mixes fiction with reality, writes in verse or prose, likes to stay passively alert.

The space for book and film reviews, impressions from interesting events, interviews and meaningful interactions with exuberant people. 

© Copyright 2012 - 2017 BusyInes.com

Sometimes it takes a feather


Sometimes it takes a feather
To crush the mightiest castle

Mirrors cracking, expectations
Running naked through the tunnels,
Snapped my fingers, I am falling
Into skies of stones and gargoyles,
Bone-breaking tears are swallowing
Mother pride and her ancestors,
Down the gorge’s throat are gyring
Doors to hope and aspirations

Only the feather,
Sways over cinder and ashes

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